Thursday 22 April 2010


Styling: Katie Urban & Philip Lord
Photography: Hannah-Beth Todd
Model: Emma Howl
MUA: Becky Hunting
AD: Dave Piper

Monday 19 April 2010

Creating our Pattern

I'm really enjoying working in this way, it's allowed me to be more creative and experimental with how I work. However, it is a little unpredictable, as a lot of our process is almost like a guessing game as we have used a single conventional pattern throughout the whole process.

Wednesday 7 April 2010

Our Favourite Six

After combining our designs and generating 30+ from them, (I'm really pleased with how they've turned out) we narrowed it down to our favourite 6 which will become my line-up. The design circled is our chosen one. The next step.... to make it!

Monday 5 April 2010

Collaborative Designs

As we both designed from a different perspective, we needed to combine both of our designs to become one. We did this on Photoshop, layering up our designs in a way that the big shapes that Phil designed from fit well into mine designs of smaller shapes.

Here's a taster: