Wednesday 10 March 2010

Decode: Digital Design Sensation.... INTERACTIVITY

Upon visiting the Decode exhibition, I was very impressed and inspired by the interactive exhibits. I enjoyed how they allowed the viewer to be involved and I liked the idea that they were constantly changing depending on the user and their actions. Some of my favourites in this section were:

Mehmet Atken: Body Paint 2009

Body Paint allows you to paint on a virtual canvas with your own body. Each individual movement is converted to the wall with a colour of paint.

Could this be transformed to fabric in the form of a print in relation to body movement?

Ross Phillips: Video Grid 2009

This exhibit is made up of 25 squares each replaying a one second video clip. These are constantly changing as new visitors take part, becoming a ongoing collaborative piece of artwork.

Video Grid made me think about repitition as the one second clip plays over and over until someone selects to change it. Also the use of personal actions once again.

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