Monday 15 March 2010

Laser Cutting... THE T-SHIRT ISSUE

Mashallah Design and Linda Kostowski designed and created three t-shirts that combine a biographical memory and a 3d digital body scan of each of the three people used. The 3d data is turned into a pattern to cut from using an unfolding function which is often used in industrial design processes to make paper models with. The edges are cut using a laser cutter and once constructed, the 2d fabric once again becomes 3d.
No 419: MARKUS

No 378: PAUL

No 318: LINDA

I find this process very intruiging and personal to the wearer as a personal memory is combined in the design. It really is a very innovative way of pattern cutting, and although it's quite a complex process, there is a lot of freedom within the way the pattern is cut.

These pieces make me think more about how I can become more creative with pattern cutting of a simple garment, changing the silhouette of the figure simply by the way the fabric is cut and falls on the body.

1 comment:

  1. This is really interesting, perhaps we could try this technique tomorrow, with paper?
