Sunday 14 March 2010

Sign Language... GOABOVE.COM

Sign Language Tour
The artist behind this work goes by the name 'Above' on video streaming and blogger sites. His website, illustrates in more detail his work through quotes, photos and videos.

"When I was 17 I would skateboard with my friend Larry. He swore that I had Tourette's Syndrome because I used the 4-letter word a lot. I didn't believe him then, but now I see what he was talking about."

'Above' visited 26 countries on a five month "SIGN LANGUAGE TOUR" around Europe. 'Above' was hanging his Word/Play arrow mobiles that spin around to create a form of silent motion Sign Language. Some of them state the obvious, whilst others are a little more daring to say what others think but prefer not to say.


Barcelona, Spain 2006

Paris, France 2006

The Nevada Desert, USA 2004

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