Monday 15 March 2010

Taking My Ideas To The Fabric... LASER CUTTING

When thinking about how I can take these ideas to the fabric, my research made me think about cutting techniques and ways the fabric can be cut not only within pattern cutting but also within the fabric itself. One idea I had was using laser cutting to project my idea of code and language within my designs. Laser cutting can create some great shapes and shaddows within a garment when not fully cut away. Here are a couple of examples af laser cutting within fabric.

I really like how this one creates windows and I was thinking I could develop something like this into my designs where a code or message can be seen through these windows. The one below shows how the laser cut areas can create their own shapes and 3d elements to a design.

As code and language is one of my main concepts, I began to think how I can involve this within my designs and I like the idea of using the laser cutting technique to remove a message (in morse code for example). This way, the fabric will have two meanings, when the correct way round, the message could be figured out if realised it is in fact a hidden message and when the incorrect way round, it merely portrays an interesting, intricate pattern.

I found this image below of a scarf that is made entirely of letters using laser cutting technology. This is a basic idea of the kind of thing I wish to develop.

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