Sunday 14 March 2010


An idea I've thought of to present a hidden message within a garment is within the fabric print itself. The print could be a stereogram where it becomes 3d when viewed through a red lens. Therefore the original image is distorted and unrealistic but becomes realised when viewed through a lens.

1. a diagram or picture representing objects in a way to give the impression of solidity

2. a two-dimensional image which, when viewed correctly appears three-dimensional

1. An ornament carved in low relief.
2. A moving or still picture consisting of two slightly different perspectives of the same subject in contrasting colours that are superimposed on each other, producing a three-dimensional effect when viewed through two correspondingly coloured filters.

Maybe the garment could come with red lensed glasses so only yourself or other wearers in possesion of the garment can read the hidden message. A more wearable way could be to have a multi layered outfit where the under layer is printed with the stereogram and the over layer could have sections cut away using laser cutting techniques and the red film would be visible through these cut out areas allowing the stereogram underneath to become 3d in these areas.

How to create a stereogram:

  • Print hidden image in light blue or reddish gray ink.
  • Avoid using think lines or solid areas.
  • An open face type font can be hidden easier than a bold type face.
  • Spread the image across the entire area covered by the mesh background.
  • A larger image is more difficult to identify without the use of a viewer.

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